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~A Truly Irresistible Conversation with Adam Alter~

For summer work in the Global Studies program, I read and enjoyed Irresistible: The Rise of Addictive Technology and the Business of Keeping Us Hooked by Adam Alter. After discussing the topics of the book in class, Dr. O'Brien got in touch with Alter himself. The following is what I thought after the conversation over Skype.

On September 25, 2017, the Global Studies class had a Skype interview and conversation with Adam Alter, author of Irresistible and teacher at NYU. I learned much from the conversation. Even though I never spoke up, I learned and interacted with him. Something I found interesting was his reaction to online/digital education. I thought he would partly bash it, saying “face-to-face is superior.” Instead, he agreed with its benefits and how it takes class systems, money, etc. out of whole education system. He also said as a teacher he does prefer face-to-face interactions and eye contact. Adam Alter understood our perspectives about the influence of technology with him seeing the before-technology and now-technology worlds. I felt connected and enjoyed his presence and how thoughtfully he answered each question. Also, when I was reading the book, I did not know he had an accent, so when we talked in class, his accent made his points and ideas more interesting. He taught us all so much and learned from us all as well.


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