This is a page dedicated to my adventures in the world--growing my comfort zone day by day and conversation by conversation.
Proof of what I've done in and out of the program to expand my horizons.

This is a ring I bought at a powwow through fall of 2019.

This is me and a few friends doing crafts during off time at Heads Up! Hartford.

During my time at the powwow, I met and talked with Mata, an indengous American who works at a Long Island school.

This is a few years ago at the Plunge for Hunger

Another plunge picture!

More plunge pictures! These are rugby players from ECSU who I know from doing the Plunge. Also, my uncle is their coach!

Marching as Part of the Women's March 2019!

One of many buttons bought at the 2019 Women's March!

Shenanigans during Spring Break in Aruba!

A mother daughter selfie on an UTV ride in Aruba!

More UTV Aruban fun!